Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dead Pixels

Please note that this is the rough draft for a review I wrote for Please check out the final draft of the review here.

Dead Pixels is an interesting little game for Xbox Live or on the PC. It's a retro sidescroller with a pixel art style, which makes its name more than just a simple pun. More than just the art style is retro, however. It's a fairly classic side-scroller, much as you would often find back in the days of the old-school Nintendo Entertainment System, and much of the storyline fluff has a seriously groovy 70s vibe to it.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Well, I suppose it wouldn't kill me to give a state of the blog post. (For all zero of you regular readers.) I have been meaning to return to a once a week schedule, but money troubles have been getting int he way. It's a bit hard to worry about writing up a silly review on a personal, non-professional blog when you're having trouble making ends meet and pay the bills, despite having a full-time job + benefits. Freelancing has been slow. I have to find a way to promote myself better, and I am working on that. In the meantime, I'm debating whether or not I should try to resurrect the blog, or let it die. If I do resurrect it, should I keep it as it's been, or try and find a way to monetize it? I'd prefer not to do the latter, I hate ads, but I may have no choice. It's surprisingly hard to find a part-time job when you've got a full-time job and are looking for freelance work at the same time.
I've got a lot of thinking to do, but either way, expect to see changes around here soon. Hopefully for the better, but...

Dead Anyway

Please note that this is the rough draft for a review I wrote for Please check out the final draft of the review here.

Dead Anyway: Stories From the Zombie Apocalypse is a collection of short zombie-themed stories in comic form. I believe the most apt word to apply to this book would be "potpourri." Fifteen artists contributed to this work, and each contribution is about as different from the rest as you can get.